Staff & Governors
Leadership Team
Mrs S Shah - Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs A Dean - Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo and Mental Health Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Key Stage 2 Lead
Miss R Bhugoowan - Key Stage 1 Lead
Mrs D Inskip - Early Years Foundation Stage Lead
Mrs D Inskip - Owls - Nursery
Miss R Rees - Otters - Reception
Miss A Hare - Robins - Reception
Mrs S Charnaud - Squirrels - Year 1
Mrs A Killian - Foxes - Year 1 and Year 2
Miss R Bhugoowan - Hedgehogs - Year 2
Miss V Smithers - Dolphins - Year 3 and Year 4
Mrs V O'Brien - Puffins - Year 3 and Year 4
Miss L Albert - Badgers - Year 3 and Year 4
Support Staff
Mrs L Brooks
Miss N Chappell
Miss C Cox
Mrs J Dobson
Mrs L Fletcher
Miss A Hay
Mrs E Heracleous
Mr N Jaques
Mrs R Kent
Mrs J Lineker
Miss L McKenzie
Mrs C Rainbow
Miss A Ridings
Mrs D Scorer
Miss C Smith
Miss S Smith
Mrs S Turner
Miss H Wilson
Office & Site Team
Mrs D Jaques - School Secretary
Miss K Reeves - Administration Assistant
Mr S Gadsby - Site Manager
Ms J Burgess - Chair
Mrs S Shah - Headteacher
Mrs A Dean - Assistant Headteacher
Mr J Emery - Parent Governor
Mrs J Green - Community Governor
Miss K Heath - Parent Governor
Mrs D Inskip - Staff Governor
Mrs D Jaques - Clerk
Mr A Xia - Parent Governor
Trust Staff
Mrs S O'Connell - Trust CEO
Mr A Ball - Trust Chair
The Local Governing Body meets every term to discuss Roman Way’s specific matters. In addition to this we have termly Standards meetings where alongside our sister schools in the St Neots Hub, we analyse our strengths and areas we need to improve on. We strive to offer the highest standards of education, care and guidance to the young people entrusted to our care.
We scrutinise data and have access to the achievement and progress of our pupils from Nursery through to Year 4. We agree with the Headteacher that complacency is not an option; continuous improvement in all aspects of life at Roman Way, both for children, staff and families, is what we strive for and to do this we challenge under achievement, plan support for improvement and celebrate success.
The Local Governing Body works closely with Mrs Shah and supports Academy events to celebrate achievements. If you have any matters that you need to refer to the Governing Body, please write to me: Mrs Julie Burgess, Chair of Roman Way Academy Local Governing Body, at the school.