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Owls Weekly Update 28.2.25

Nursery have been reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. We read the book aloud, exploring the illustrations and encouraged the children to join in with the repetitive parts of the story. We also watched the video of the story being performed by Michael Rosen. We stood up and joined in with the rhythm of the march, the repetitive language and the actions.

We recreated some of the sensory aspects of the story. The children explored swishing through the long wavy grass, splish-sploshing in the water and squelching in the mud! As the children explored, first hand, they were able to use the language and vocabulary from the story.

As part of our outdoor learning, we went to the woodland area to go on a bear hunt. The children worked with a partner to try and find the five bears. They had an opportunity to mark make/record when they found a bear that was hiding. The children were encouraged to describe where they found each bear e.g. under the chair, in a plant pot, in a tree, next to a tree.

Our Topic 'On the Move' continued in our PE lesson on Wednesday morning by using the apparatus. The apparatus was set up with different stations around the room. The children explored different ways of travelling over, under and through the equipment.

It has been a fun few weeks exploring the book. The children enjoyed performing the story. They loved talking about the book, characters and places within the story.  They were keen to share what their favourite part of the story was. Ask your child which bit they liked best.