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Key Stage One Home Learning Project

KS1 Home Learning Project: From Field to Fork

Due: Friday 14th June 2024

We would like you to complete a project of your choice on our current topic.  

It could be: 

  • Write a list of animals that often live on farms. Challenge yourself by writing what their babies are called. 

  • Wheat grows on farms. Have a look at the food in your cupboard with your adult and write the names of different foods made from wheat. 

  • Draw and label different foods that farmers grow in their fields in the UK. 

  • Go to the local library and find a storybook that is set in a farm. Read the story and use different voices for the characters in the story. You can re-write the story using some adjectives and story language.  

  • Go to the Royston Museum and look at photographs of Royston from the past and how land was used for farming. Compare how it has changed over time and write down your findings. 


We look forward to seeing all of your fabulous learning! 


KS1 Teachers