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Reception Weekly Update (1) - Week beg. 15.4.24


We were so happy to welcome the Reception children back to school this week after what we heard were lovely Easter holidays!

This week we began our new Topic, 'Marvellous Minibeasts'. The children have enjoyed telling us all about the facts they already know about different creatures and their habitats. On Friday, we had our WOW day when we dressed up and celebrated the beginning of our new Topic. The children were buzzing about their costumes, so thank you for all your efforts! As part of our wow day, we also read the story of 'Superworm' and learnt about what constitutes a minibeast. The children learnt some new vocabulary, such as invertebrate, herbivore and carnivore. In the afternoon, despite the threat of even MORE rain, the children prepared themselves with welly boots, raincoats and magnifying glasses. The children were super etymologists and found: worms, countless snails, woodlice, spiders, a St. Mark's fly, and even a caterpillar!


Drawing Club this week has centred on the lovely story of 'The Bug Collector' by Alex G Griffiths. The children thought about how they would catch minibeasts like George, and even created their own undiscovered species that George and his Grandad could find. The children are becoming more and more independent with their writing each week!

In Maths, the children have been learning to count beyond 20 by recognising the pattern and also how to count larger quantities. We played lots of games and learnt strategies to support our accurate counting, such as : touching or moving an object, lining them up, and crossing out or putting circles around objects when looking at photos. 

In PE, the children have continued honing their ball skills. They practised moving the ball around the floor using different parts of their feet, before progressing onto dribbling and team games. You never know, we could have the next Alessia Russo in our midst!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

The Reception Team