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Reception Weekly Update (5) - Week beg. 13.5.24

This week, in Drawing Club, we have been using the beautifully illustrated book 'Snail Trail' by Ruth Brown. In it, the snail goes for an adventure through a garden, leaving a slimy trail in her wake which shows the route she has taken. The children drew some beautiful pictures and wrote some sentences describing the snail and thought about how they could help the snail explore more quickly.  The children thought very creatively and we had snails equipped with jet packs, helicopters and mini roller skates!

Continuing our thinking about routes, we learnt about 'journey sticks' which were used by Native Americans to help recall routes taken. Items are collected throughout a journey and added to the stick to help memorise the route taken. We took the children into our beautiful woodland area and followed the path. The children added leaves, feathers, flowers, sticks and bits of bark to their stick and, at the end, many were able to recall their route by looking at their sticks.

Also, in our topic lessons, we have been thinking about our environment and how we can help look after it. We learnt that the environment provides us with clean air, lots of our food and materials to make things. We talked about the importance of looking after our environment and how we could do that at home and in school. We would love to hear if any of the children have brought any of the ideas home with them.

In maths, we have been looking at the magnitude of numbers and practising ordering numbers on a number track and being able to explain where each number should be placed. We have also been using our number lines to play track games together.