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Weekly Update 3rd May 2024

Friday 3rd May 2024

Involving Parents and Carers

We have been reading the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ Bing Videos .We have been learning about the different characters and thinking about how they were feeling. The children have been enjoying using the repetitive phrase – Fe Fi Fo Fum! We have been thinking about:

  • Why did Jack take the cow to the market?
  • What happened when the beans were thrown out of the window?
  • Why was Jack’s mum furious?
  • Who did Jack hide from? Why?

We have been supporting the children to say ‘I think... because...’

This led to looking at various beans and bean pods. We looked at the inside and noticed the seeds. We used our senses to explore the beans and pods. The children were given an opportunity to talk about how the beans were the same or how they were different. The responses the children gave were amazing. They talked about the size, colour, being a pod, being raw, that they can be eaten, that they grew on a plant.

In PSHE we have been thinking about friendships and being kind. We have been modelling phrases to support the children joining in with others and thinking about how to wait their turn and to share. We have been cutting up fruit and making sandwiches to share with our friends,

Useful phrases to support your child:

Can I play with you? What could I do?

Who can I be? Please can I have...?

My turn now, your turn next. I’ve got a good idea. We could... Have you finished playing with...?