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Weekly Update 10th May 2024

Friday 10th May 2024

Involving Parents and Carers

This week we continued with our story Jack and the Beanstalk. We were thinking about the different characters in the story and have been using role-play to understand how the characters were feeling. Within our hall time we thought about what the giant looked like and used lots of words to describe how big he is e.g. huge, enormous and gigantic. We thought about how the giant moves and why e.g. slowly because he is heavy. As thechildren shared their ideas, we acted out being the giant from the story.

“Fee Fi Fo Fum!”

We also ventured into the Woodland area to act out the story. All the children had an opportunity to take part and chose what characters they wanted to be.

In maths we have been ordering numbers to 5 (or 10) and counting the correct number of seeds to match the numeral. The numbers were written on leaves and the children had to order them correctly up the beanstalk.

We have been observing the changes that have happened to our seeds that we have been planting. The children have

noticed the tiny shoots appearing through the soil. Unfortunately, the sunflower seeds have not done so well this year, but the beans, carrots and peas are progressing well.