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Weekly Update 7th June 2024

Welcome back to you all!

Nursery have been making the most of the fine weather this week. We have continued to explore and develop our ideas during a range of activities such as water play, sand, building and construction. Some children have continued their gardening and planting interests. We have transferred some of our seedlings into our garden area.

We have been reading 'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett. We have been talking about the features of a book. Before we began to read the story, the children shared their ideas about what the book might be about.  Throughout this year, the children have become more aware of print; the teachers have been modelling running their finger underneath the words as they read. This is a good skill to develop with your child when you are reading with them at home. We talked about what the word 'odd' means (different to what we think).  We also thought about how Duck was feeling when his friends said his egg was odd. The children noticed that the eggs were different in size. We talked about the eggs hatching and what might hatch from each egg.  They liked the surprise at the end of the story when Duck's egg finally hatched and a big crocodile emerged - SNAP!


Developing on from the story, the children had an opportunity to look at an old bird's nest that I had found in my garden. They also got to observe and talk about a wild bird eggshell that had been left in the nest. We read an information book about how and why birds build nests. This led us to explore the school woodland area. We looked and listened for any signs of birds. 

Within the woodland area we gathered sticks and used a wealth of vocabulary to describe the sticks (long, short, longer, shorter, thick, thin, heavy, light, bendy, hard). The children counted the sticks, compared them and even made their own big nests.