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Reception Weekly Update (7) - Week beg. 3.6.24

It was fantastic to welcome the children back for what will be their last half term in Reception. We have introduced our new topic of 'On the Move' which will cover all types of transport as well as activities to support their move up to Year 1.

We started our travels on the seven seas! We learnt lots of facts about pirates and the things we associate with them such as golden jewellery, hooks for hands and eye patches. We learnt that pirates used short swords called cutlasses so that they didn't cut the sails and rigging of a ship when in a sword battle. We also found out that lots of mariners thought it unlucky for women to be on board a ship. They thought their presence caused storms and huge waves but some women, like Grace O'Malley, disguised themselves as men to become sailors and even pirates!

During Drawing Club, we continued the pirate theme by reading the story of 'Billy and the Pirates'. In the story, Billy meets some hypnotic mermaids, some ravenous sharks and a misunderstood kraken. The children drew some amazing pictures and wrote about who else Billy might meet on her travels.

In PSHE, we began talking about changes that happen as we grow up by first thinking about all the different parts of our body and what each part does.