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Weekly Update 21st June 2024

As a school we have been celebrating 'Science Week'. In EYFS this comes under the area of learning 'Understanding the World'. The focus for the week has been 'Time'.

In Nursery, we have continued to explore the outdoors and look back at our seasonal observation book to notice the changes over time. For example, apples growing on the trees, flowers and lots of bright colours, green leaves, pea pods growing on the pea plant and hard, dry mud in the mud area. 

We looked at the weather each day and asked - 'Is the weather always like this? What colours can you find? Are the colours the same or different to last time?' The children recorded their observations to make a weather chart each day. 

We have continued to observe the caterpillars and talk about the changes that they notice. 'I see.../I notice.../I wonder what will happen next?' Examples of what the children said:

  •    "They are much more bigger. I saw them on Monday and they were small like the little one".
  •     "There are lots of legs but they look like spikes. That one is not big because it's not moving. They are moving more than        yesterday".
  • "They are so big. They looked small when they first came in. The food they eat is making them big".

We have also continued to think about planting and growing and have looked back through our topic floor book to remember planting seeds and the changes that have happened.  This week we have planted cress seeds and observed how quickly they grow. The children will bring these home next week. At home, taste the cress - add it to a salad or put it in a sandwich or simply just eat it on its own.

You are all welcome to come and see what we have been learning at our 'Science Fair' on Wednesday 26th June at 2.45pm.