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Reception Weekly Update (9) - Week beg. 17.6.24

It has been an exceptionally busy but enjoyable week this week with lots happening at Roman Way. At the beginning of the week, the children had their weekly swim lesson. As well as building their confidence in the water, the lessons teach them water safety. This week, they learnt about flags that they might see at the beach and what they mean about the conditions in the water. Check out this website and see if the children can remember what the flags mean!

On Wednesday, we spent the afternoon practising ahead of our Sports Day on the 24th. The children did brilliantly and enjoyed taking part in all the activities. They are looking forward to competing for real next week.

Throughout the week, we have been learning about our solar system and the 8 planets that orbit the sun. On Thursday, all the learning was brought to life when a Planetarium was temporarily installed in our hall. In the darkened dome, the children saw projections of the planets. They were able to clearly see the deep craters on the moon, the gigantic storm swirling on Jupiter and the rings of Saturn flowing with rocks and ice. We were even able to see a black hole swallowing a star! It was the most fascinating time and the children bombarded the presenter with lots of interesting questions. Thank you to our amazing PTA  for organising this opportunity for our children.

As well as learning about the solar system, we have been thinking about time as part of the school's science week. We looked at how time helps us measure speed.  We looked at a number of animals and thought about their speed. The children worked in pairs to predict how fast they thought each animal was. We then watched a video to see their actual speed and how that compared to our predictions. Afterwards, some of the children recreated the race in the small world area.

Around the classroom, we also had various 'minute' challenges where the children could test how many cups they could stack or how many pompoms they could move in that time. We look forward to sharing this learning with you at the Science Fair next week.