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Years 3 and 4

Autumn Term 2024 Curriculum Overview Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4) 


Teaching and Learning 

Parental Involvement - We encourage parents to choose at least one activity for each subject to support your child in their learning. 


The children will be learning to recognise the value of each digit in a 3 or 4 digit number. We will learn to understand different number lines and use them to  compare and order numbers. We will learn different strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. We will develop our estimation skills and consider how best to check our answers. We will be learning our times tables, Year 3s will be learning their x3, x4 and x8 and year 4s will learn their x6, x7, x9, x11 and x12. We will also be learning the division facts for each times table. 

Year 4 children will also learn about negative numbers; Roman numerals and how to measure the perimeter of a shape. 


Your child can practise times tables on TT Rock-stars. Also test them when you’re in the car or walking to school. Little and often makes a big difference! There are lots of fun games and songs available online too. 


The children will be reading a variety of high-quality texts that will spark their interest, starting with ‘The Wild, Wild Sea’ by Anna Wilson and Jenny Lovlie and ‘The Mess We Made’ by Michelle Lord. The texts will cover poetry, fiction and non-fiction.  The children will be writing poems, instruction texts, recount, biographies and stories. They will learn to write for different audiences. The children will be taught age related spelling, grammar and punctuation discretely.  

Find ways for your children to write for a purpose e.g. write a letter to a friend or family member, write a shopping list or a story based on their favourite toy/film or book character.   


During guided reading sessions, the children will all read the same text and discuss the text using VIPERS skills (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explain, retrieve, summarise/sequence).   

Please listen to your child read at least 4 times per week. Children who read regularly at home make the most progress, not just in reading, but right across the curriculum. Please ask us if you need any support.   


This term our science topic is Microbes. We will be learning about different types of microbes, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, food hygiene, the immune system and antibiotics. 


Working Scientifically 

We will be learning to: 

ask relevant questions; 

set up enquiries and choose equipment; 

set up fair tests; 

make careful observations and accurate measurements; 

recognise when to use other sources of information to find answers; 

record information in different formats; 

identify, classify and look for patterns; 

draw conclusions based on results. 


Have a go at identifying where microorganisms live in this interactive game: 

Science Kids: Micro-organisms  


We will be learning how to use passwords safely. We will look at coding. The children will be taught to question what they read online and assess whether a website can be trusted. We will be learning how to create and use spreadsheets and generate line graphs. We will also be learning about how computer animations are made. 


Your child can access Purple Mash on a device a home. Please ask us if you do not have their log in. Purple Mash will be used for all computing lessons this term. 


This term the children will be focusing on the question “Are all religions equal?” They will explore how different religions and world-views are connected while focusing on religious harmony and equality. There will also be a focus on how they remain respectful by both listening to and discussing opposing ideas and opinions.  

Find out more about different religions by visiting: BBC Bitesize


The children will be learning how to create shades and tints when painting different objects. They will also be learning how to apply shades and tints to create shadows and a 3D effect. 

Have a look at the following paintings and discuss how tints and shades are used in the paintings. 

‘Mont Saint-Victoire’ by Paul Cezanne 

‘Still life with cherries’ by Paul Cezanne 

‘Nature morte’ by Clara Peeters 


The children will be looking at the different types of pneumatic systems there are in toys, then designing and creating their own pneumatic toy. 

To learn more about pneumatic systems, have a look at this website:

Pneumatics: Facts for Kids  


Families and relationships 

The children will be learning about how to deal with friendship issues. They will learn how to recognise bullying and its effects.

Health and Well-being 

The children will be learning about how to stay healthy and how our diet affects our bodies and our teeth, develop a growth mindset and consider how we can increase our happiness. 

Create a happiness journal for the week. Every day, write down one thing that you are proud of, one thing that made you happy and one thing you are looking forward to. 


This term the children will be looking at childhood and how this has changed over time. They will focus on the Tudors, Victorians and the modern day and look at the continuity and change of leisure time, work, school and illness across these three periods.

Ask family members about their childhood, what similarities and differences are there between each one and yours. 

Be a History Detective! 


This term the children will be learning all about Antarctica. They will identify the positions of lines of latitude and longitude, find out who might live in Antarctica and why and learn about Shackelton and his exploration. 

Here are 3 videos you can watch: 

Understanding latitude and longitude 

The geography of Antarctica 

Where is Antarctica? 


This term the children will be learning dance and handball. Children should bring their PE kit into school and their PE days which will be Wednesdays and Fridays. 


Watch some handball from the Olympics for inspiration. 


The children will be looking at pitch, ostinato, rounds, pentatonic and call and response in the first part of the term. In Autumn 2, they will look at beat, rhythm, tempo and dynamics. 

Enjoy listening to music and singing with your child at home or in the car. Developing a lifelong love of music is the first and most important step towards being a successful learner of music!


In French, we will be learning greetings, numbers and colours. In year 3, we will combine this with talking about different animals. Year 4 will be learning to count beyond 20 and will learn to talk about places in a town.  

Check out the Blabber Beasts videos on You Tube e.g. 


French Numbers to 10