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Year 1 Spring 2025 Curriculum Overview


Teaching and Learning 

Parental Involvement 

We encourage parents to choose at least one activity for each subject to support your child in their learning. 


In maths, the children will be learning about Place Value (within 20) and Addition and Subtraction (within 20). 

In place value, the children will be learning about tens and ones, 1 more and 1 less and ordering numbers. In addition and subtraction, the children will be learning to add and subtract by counting on, using related facts and answer missing number problems. 

Here are some maths games you can play with your children: 

English (The Curious Quest) 

In Curious Quests, the children will be exploring different text types (fiction and non-fiction). They will also be learning more about different word types (nouns, adjectives, verbs) including how to use adjectives in an expanded noun phrase, e.g., the mighty, red dragon. They will also look at using adverbs of time and manner, conjunctions (and, so, but, because). 

  • At home, read as many storybooks, poems and different traditional tales as possible. Whilst reading, look at the settings and the characters and encourage your child to describe those using different adjectives.  



The children will be reading a variety of different types of books in their reading practice sessions that they have at school. They will continue to have 3 sessions a week when we focus on: using phonics knowledge to decode the words; read aloud with expression; check comprehension to show what they have understood from the text. The children will then bring home the book they have read in class to practice reading it again at home with you. This builds confidence as well as cementing reading skills. 

  • Please listen to your child read at least 4 times per week. Children who read regularly at home make the most progress, not just in reading, but right across the curriculum. Please ask us if you need any support. 

  • Be a reader yourself-let your child see you reading and talk about your enjoyment of reading. 


Use of everyday materials & plants – growth and care 

This term, the children will learn to recognise, name and describe a variety of materials (e.g. metal, paper, card, plastic) and their properties and perform simple experiments to test the suitability of materials.  

Seasonal changes 

They will also learn more about the season of winter – what the weather is like and how much sunlight we get at this time of the year and why. 

  • Visit the BBC Bitesize website to explore the different units of learning about Plants & Uses of materials: Science  

  • Go around the house and look at the different materials objects are made of and sort them accordingly. Look at some more ideas on this website: Science sparks 


This term, the children will learn about questioning. They will create a binary tree to separate different items through questioning. They will also learn about animated story books, where they will create e-books by adding animation, sound effects, voice recordings and backgrounds on a computer program. 

  • Use the purple mash login that we are sending in the home learning resources packs and practice how to log in and browse through their working area. 


Painting and mixed media - life in colour 

The children will learn about primary and secondary colours, colour mixing and creating textures using different tools. They will explore collage techniques, experimenting with material.  



  • Explore your local area by going for walks and look at the different features that are around. Support your child to draw a map of their journey to school or feature around your house. You might want to make a map of your house/ child’s room using Lego. 

  •  Explore looking at different maps, including those of your local area, including virtual maps such as Google Street View or Google Earth.   


What is God’s job? 

The children will be learning about the 99 names of God (Islam), what the Tenak (Judaism) says about God and Hindu and Zoroastrian beliefs about God and what a deity does. 


Why should we care for the world? 

The children will be learning about different religious beliefs regarding the creation of the world and how we should care for the world. 

Some key vocabulary for this term is: 

Allah, Qur’an, Tenak, miracle, Trimurti, creator, destroyer 


creator, ownership, care, stewardship, Humanist, Ahisma 


Making baby bear’s chair 

The children will explore the concept and features of structures and understand that the shape of a structure affects its strength. They will plan and make a teddy bear’s chair using different materials and joining techniques. Finally, they will test and evaluate the chair’s strength, stiffness and stability.  

Follow the BBC Bitesize links: 


Safety and changing body 

The children will discuss trusted adults inside and outside of school and the people who help them. They will be learning about keeping safe, e.g., what to do if they get lost, how to make an emergency phone call and what appropriate contact with adults/peers means. They will also learn about safety around substances and how to keep safe at home. 

To help your child, it would be useful to talk to them about the following, so they know: 

• where the phone is in the house / how to select emergency services from your phone 

• their address and postcode 

• how to open the door in an emergency 

You could write your address and postcode down and leave it by the phone so your child knows where to find it. 


How was school different in the past? 

In this unit, the children will learn how schools have changed over time. They will investigate what schools were like in the 1900s and 1960s and compare these to modern classrooms. 



Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place? 

In this unit, the children will learn about continents and the coldest places on Earth. They will also learn where the equator is and what life is like in a hot place. 



Gymnastics: The children will investigate movement and stillness and use basic actions to create short movement phrases.  

Net and wall games & invasion games: The children will learn to strike, field and attack using the ready position. They will defend their space and send the ball away from an opponent to maximise their chances of scoring. 

Yoga: The children will copy, repeat and complete yoga poses, helping to build strength, flexibility and balance.  


Staying active at home will support your child’s progress in PE. Here are some links to follow for some ideas: 


Please note that these videos are on YouTube and therefore may need some level of supervision. 


Unit names: Football & Who stole my chickens and my hens?  

In these units, the children will learn: 

  • to compose word patterns in groups and melodies in pairs using mi-re-do (E-D-C) 

  • to chant together rhythmically, marking rests accurately 

  • play a simple ostinato (repeating pattern) on untuned percussion 

  • to recognise the difference between a pattern with notes (pitched) and without (unpitched). 


Read about playing and performing music on the BBC Bitesize website: KS1 Music