Reception Spring 2025 Curriculum Overview
Our topics this term will be ‘Frozen World’ in the first half term and ‘Ready, Steady, Grow!’ in the second.
In the first half-term, we will learn about winter and the changes in the weather and our environment. We will also look at cold areas in the world, particularly Antarctica and the wildlife that lives there. This will be complemented by the wonderful text, ‘Blue Penguin’ by Petr Horacek, animations, and the traditional tale ‘The Snow Queen’.
After half-term, our topic will become ‘Ready, Steady, Grow’. In this unit, the children will learn about plants and the natural world around them. The children learn about different types of plants and how they thrive, and will have opportunities to explore growing and caring for plants. The children will read books such as ‘Ten Seeds’ by Ruth Brown, ‘Errol’s Garden’ by Gillian Hibbs, and the traditional tale ‘The Gigantic Turnip’. We will also begin thinking about how the weather is changing and begin to learn about Spring.
Alongside adult-led teaching and small group tasks, the children will take part in two sessions during the day when they can choose the areas they want to explore. They will have access to a variety of provision and resources, which will be changed regularly to reflect our learning and the children’s interests. There are multiple areas including arts and craft, writing, a home corner, maths and puzzles, sand and water, sensory play and construction. Adults are present to support the children in their play and learning.
Subject |
Teaching and Learning |
Parental Involvement |
Physical Development |
Fine/gross motor
Ball skills and games
Continue to provide opportunities for children to strengthen their hand muscles at home: threading, cutting, weaving, playdough, kneading bread, rolling biscuit dough etc.
Where possible, give children opportunities to move their bodies in different ways such as: dancing together, balancing and jumping at the park, playing ball games using a ball of socks! |
Communication and Language |
Continue to model questions by asking the children or other members of the family about their day and their opinions. The more children hear it, the more likely they are to use it themselves.
Read stories together at home and act them out. Make capes out of tea towels to become the characters in the story. Bring the stories to life and encourage the children to talk as though they are living the story.
Read at least 3 times a week at home to help children practice their segmenting and blending skills. Model how to use prosody (expression) when reading and get them to try. |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development |
We follow the Kapow PHSE scheme and will be teaching the following units: Taking on Challenges In this unit, children will understand why we have rules, the importance of persistence and perseverance in the face of challenges, learn how to communicate effectively with others, practice 'grounding' coping strategies, and to learn new skills that will help them show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges.
Listening and Following Instructions In this unit, children will learn why it is important to be an honest, thoughtful and resilient active listener who can respond to instructions and how they can become one. |
Play games with your child and discuss the rules and why it is important to follow them. Support your child to discuss their emotions and ask them about the strategies they have learnt to help regulate themselves when cross, sad etc. Encourage your child to persevere when they meet challenges. Verbalise and model your thinking when you feel emotional or when you meet challenges e.g. "I am feeling a bit cross at the moment, so I am going to make myself a cup of tea and have some quiet time."
Maths |
Play board games with your child, such as snakes and ladders. Children will recognise the number of dots on the dice and be able to practice 1:1 counting as they move their counters.
Play games with your child, such as snap and dominoes. Children will recognise the dots on the dominoes, and this will help them practice their subitising of different numbers.
When sharing toys or sweets, talk about being fair or equal when you have the same number. Use the language of more than, less than and fewer than.
When out and about, go on a number hunt, what numbers can they find? Can they record what they see? This helps them recognise different numbers in their environment. |
Literacy including phonics |
Sentence construction and grammatical accuracy
Little Wandle Parent Resources
Understanding the World |
Expressive Arts and Design |
Where possible, provide opportunities for children to create at home. Provide old newspapers and magazines for children to tear up or cut and stick into collages. Use playdough to create sculptures. Involve children in making food together. Allow them to help prepare food before cooking or making fruit salads and baked goods together. When listening to music, talk about how fast or slow it is. What kinds of sounds can they hear? Is it high pitch or low pitch? |
Please send a named water bottle in every day.
PE is on Tuesdays. Children will change at school. PE kits can remain in school until half-term. Please make sure all the children’s uniform is named as they can get a bit muddled when the children are changing!
In Early Years, children will be spending lots of time outdoors in all weathers. Please provide children with a pair of named wellies to keep in school and send them in with a waterproof jacket. They will need wellies to access our mud kitchen and water area outside too.
Library books will be changed every Friday.
Reading books and reading records need to be in school every day. Reading books will be collected in on Wednesdays to be changed and re-issued to you on Thursday.
Any questions – please, please ask!