Owls Weekly Update 21-10-24
We have been reading Anna Hibiscus’ Song. The book is about a little girl and her family. As we read the book, the children were given opportunities to talk about themselves, their likes, about their families, things of immediate interest to them and significant personal memories and experiences. The book got the children talking about and sharing how to express their emotions.
Click on the link below and look at the book with your child. When it talks about family members, relate that to your family to help them understand relationships. Talk with your child about the things that make them happy. Remember to share your ideas with them too.
Within the book, Anna Hibiscus sits in a mango tree. We used our senses to explore a mango on the outside and on the inside. Most children decided that they didn't like the mango because it was slippery and slimy. They said the mango smelt sweet. Those who did eat it said that it was soft and juicy.
We went to the music room and explored playing African drums. The children had fun drumming simple patterns. They had to listen to my pattern and then copy it. This helps to develop their listening and memory skills. They also had a chance to perform playing the drum to their friends.