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Owls Weekly Update 18.11.24

This week we have been learning about people who help us in our community. We have been reading information books about police officers, firefighters and doctors. The children really enjoyed sharing their experiences. 

As you can imagine, the real excitement came when Royston firefighters visited our school on Wednesday morning. They came to talk to the children about how they help the community, the uniform they wear and how they keep us safe if there is a fire. We have shared the pictures and videos taken with the children who were not there on Wednesday.

The children got to see all the equipment stored on the fire engine and climb up into the cab where the firefighters sit.

As part of our foundations for phonics, we have been learning to say the vehicle names and clap the syllables (brake a word up). This is a skill that later supports children when they start to read. We also counted how many syllables.

po-lice   car  (3 syllables)

fire-engine (3 syllables)

mo-tor-bike (3 syllables)

he-li-cop-ters   (4 syllables)

We have also been listening to the sounds that the emergency vehicles make. We explored mark making these sounds as we played.